Friday, June 02, 2006

I blog, therefore I am.

Yes, I am still alive. I'd like to blame my lack of posting on being too busy for it, but we all know that's not entirely true.

But to keep you up to date, I have moved to California and started a tech job out here 3 weeks ago. So much for putting my law degree to work. I did buy patent bar review materials, so I do plan to take the patent bar. I should probably get to work on that a little bit.

I bought a car and drove out here 4 weeks ago. Work is interesting, and I like the people I work with (and there aren't many who read this, so I'm not lying).

There's a woman at work who told me a great story the other day which I thought I'd share. She recently bought a house, and when she went to sign the mortgage paperwork, the banker told her, "Here's a payment coupon for your first month's payment." She said, "Sweet! A coupon...and I was thinking that it was just going to be like 20% or something, but it was for the whole amount!" Then of course, she realized that it was not a coupon in the supermarket sense of the word, but in the remittance sense. Pretty funny stuff.

I could probably put some stuff here bitching about having a roommate again, but there's really no point. Up until a few days ago, he worked at Best Buy full time. He went to college to be a computer animator, but has yet to get a job doing that. But last week he got an offer to do a "test" for a company in Seattle, which essentially means that they sent him some work for him to do for free to see if they should hire him. He submitted the first part of the test, then they gave him some more work. So I guess he's working on that, but I'm not really sure. I thought I didn't like coming home when he wasn't here all the it's even worse.

It's interesting to me that I still know a fair number of people who have roommates (and that number has only increased since getting to the uber-expensive Bay Area) years after college is over. Financially I can understand it, but on an emotional level, I can't. Other than Sarah, I really haven't had a roommate since 1998, and I can't imagine going back to having a roommate full-time. This 2 month period is gonna kill me, as I'm only 3 weeks in and I hate it so much already. Have I just grown out of it, or have I become spoiled? Even if Sarah were not going to move out here in July, I think I would have to rent a place on my own, just to feel independent again. Silly, maybe.

Ok, I'm rambling, I'm too tired to write more, time for bed.

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