Sunday, April 23, 2006

I'm a litterbug

On Friday, I littered for what I consider to the be the first time. I say that I consider that to be the first time because I can't recall every having littered anything other than bubble gum or other organics (banana peels, apple cores, etc). I don't count the organics because they end up getting eaten by other things and aren't something that someone will be able to pick up in 2 weeks during a trash sweep.

Sarah got some lotion, manufactured for Kohl's, from someone at school (I think). It was some sort of Ginseng & Soy Protein thing, but whenever she put it on, it made me sneeze like crazy. She usually puts it on while driving to school, so it stays in the car.

Friday I drove her to school, and she put some of this lotion on her legs. This used a rather larger portion than normal of the lotion, and made me sneeze correspondingly more. Not only did I sneeze in the car, but I sneezed and had a runny nose all morning. Obviously I'm allergic to something in the lotion. So after my final and errands over on campus, I got back in the car, and whatever diminishment had occurred over the course of the morning, the lotion had its full effect when I returned to the car.

So while driving past the cemetary on my way home, I made the decision that this lotion needed to be thrown away. Immediately. It needed to be thrown away so that it could never come back. If I were to throw it away at home, she could dig through the trash to retrieve it. Or worse, make me dig through the trash to retrieve it. Yes, she likes (liked) the lotion enough to do this. So out the window it went.

She wasn't that upset when I told her it was gone, though she was surprised at the manner of disposal. I told her I would buy any other lotion she likes to make up ofr it.

What a great way to celebrate the day before Earth Day.


mjs said...

omg. you blog. you live. omg.

Anonymous said...

I don't beleive that he lives. I think that this is the work of a bot akin to ELiza. I call shenanagins.