Monday, February 07, 2005

Why oh why

Do I love board games so? I can't even get people to get together on a regular basis to play. And yet my addiction goes on. Late in 2003, I somehow got onto this site, FunAgain, and I spent like $125 on board games. The trend continued a couple months ago when I bought another $150 in board games, this time from Card Haus and TimeWellSpent. Then, last week, I spent another $110 at TimeWellSpent on even more games. I'm out of control, maybe it's time for gamblers anonymous?

Maybe all of it is my way of avoiding thinking about all of the work I need to do for school. Since 9pm tonight, I've been ready for bed, and sadly, this is hardly the only night. My IP Seminar's 150 pages a week really needs to stop if I'm to get any research done for my paper for the class. I don't like writing patent claims.

Time for some masochism (aka law school reading).

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