Sunday, April 18, 2004

Disturbing trends

Last semester, there were a few people that I hung out with extensively. At my house, out for bar review, wherever. This semester, they've been gone pretty much every weekend, so there's been no hanging out. None. Which means that my "going out" time has dropped to virtually nothing as well.

So the first trend is: friends I had, I've been losing. Or it feels that way since we're not doing as much anymore.

Then there's also my friend acquisition trend. The only friends I've made this semester have been people that I talk to online (who are from school), but that I don't really do anything with in real life.

I'm not sure which trend is more disturbing, but they're both unsettling. In spite of all efforts to be pretty good about acquiring friends, I've become worse at doing that. And even if I do acquire a real life friend, I can't seem to keep them.

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