Thursday, April 15, 2004

A great day for the Constitution

I've written before about my Constitutional Law class. Worst class ever. Worst professor ever.

Today we were talking about obscenity and pornography. Gave me a chance to inject some fun into the class. The first case that we were talking about was the case where a guy went into a courthouse (circa 1970) wearing a jacket that said "Fuck the draft" on it. In the opinion, the Supreme Court wrote that "one man's vulgarity is another man's lyric," and said that it was ok that he wore the jacket.

Not so for pornography. The Court said that it had no social value, yadda yadda yadda.

Prof: "So how do we reconcile these two cases."

Me: (raising my hand and getting called on....mine was the only hand up) "Well, I'm not sure that you can. It seems like the Court is making a content-based judgment on the material. 'One man's vulgarity is another man's lyric'....while I might not like bukkake videos, there's obviously a market for them, and others should be able to watch them."

Stifled laughs all around. Including mine. I like to laugh, I've been laughing about this whole scene ever since this afternoon. Mostly because I don't think the prof (a strong women's rights advocate) knew what bukkake is.

While talking about the "fuck the draft" case, she had been very careful to not say "fuck the draft," so when she called on me again for my participation in the discussion, I said that maybe a distinction between the two was that "fuck the draft" is political speech, whereas porn isn't. That was kind of amusing too, just because she's so politically correct.

I really wanted to say "fisting or bukkake" in class, but I didn't have the balls. I felt that would be too over the top, too blatant that I was trying to be shocking.

The good news is that we didn't finish the pornography discussion. Tuesday I can try to work in "fisting" and "coprophilia."

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