Wednesday, March 17, 2004

There's always gotta be one...

Whenever I teach a class, there's always one guy who doesn't shut up. Since I started law school, I've started to call this guy "Chadwick." He's gotta tell me all the details of his life, how his wife's calling him, how he loves some programming construct or computer dork thing, whatever. Prattle is what it is, and I have to smile and pretend like I'm interested. That's the hardest part of my day, dealing with the Chadwick guy.

He never sits in the back, either. Always right up front. Always ready to bother me when I sit down when they're doing an exercise or they're on a break. Never a moment's peace with him around. Even at lunch, I'm eating my fucking lunch, and I can't just sit and enjoy it, I gotta listen to him, talk to him, pretend I want to hear about what he did with his script to make it work. I can't exactly tell him to STFU, though I'd like to.

And it's always a him. Never a hot chick. That's not really surprising; I've only had 3-4 hot chicks in the 50 or so classes I've taught, odds are against me on that one.

I went out to this Afghani restaurant last night. The first time I've ever had Afghani cuisine, and it was one of the best 10 meals I've ever eaten. It was lamb tenderloin, served with this fabulous rice pilaf, along with some weird yet insanely good apple dish, along with some tasty spinach dish. The bread that went with it was excellent as well. I'm thinking that I might eat there again tonight, it was so good.

I had Ethiopian food for the first time on Sunday night. That was an interesting experience, some of it was really good, but I wasn't a fan of some of it. We got a sampler dealie, since I hadn't had it before. I went with my friend's girlfriend, which was interesting. I can't recall having gone out anywhere with a friend's girlfriend. That's probably because most of my friends are from CMU, and CMUers (ex- or otherwise) are, um, not lucky with the ladies.

Oh wait. I went to CMU too.

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