Sunday, March 21, 2004

They've got nothing to say to me and still they open their mouths.

Some of the classrooms here at school have internet access, some of them don't. Two of the main lecture halls have internet access in the first two rows, but not in the rest of the room. Our Constitutional Law class is in one of the rooms that has partial access. Our professor is so incredibly bad (as a teacher; she's a nice person) that I've been bringing in a wireless router and hooking it up to a port in the first two rows, since I sit further back than that. So I've been providing an open access point for everyone's wireless all semester.

A while ago, I tried to be studious and decided that the wireless router was bad news for me. I stopped bringing it for two days, and everyone in my classes came out of the woodwork to bitch at me for not bringing in the router. They needed their internet access for this and that. One group of people who didn't say anything are the people who are actually my friends. The only people who bitched about it are the people that wouldn't even say hi to me in the hall (well, a subset of those people, anyway).

This week, while I was away, apparently I was the topic of conversations several times. I've heard it from several people. And of course, the only reason that people were talking about me was the fucking router. Again, the people who were discussing it were the same people who would bitch about it when I am actually there and don't bring it.

Last night, while out I saw one of these people at a bar, and again, the same conversation occured about how they missed me because of my router. I guess people just don't think about how offensive it is to talk to someone about using them for one thing and one thing only. But if you see them, tell them I prefer if they just use me and not talk to me. Or about me.

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